Engineer the materials that make up our world.
Start at the bachelor's level.
Continue with an M.S. or Ph.D. degree.


冶金与材料工程是一个多元化和有趣的专业,影响着我们经济的几乎每一个方面. 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院提供冶金学学士学位 & Materials Engineering, B.S., 材料科学与工程、冶金与选矿工程专业硕士学位, and doctoral degree (Ph.D) in Materials Science.

Undergraduate Application Graduate Application

Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, B.S.


Materials Science Ph.D.

这个博士课程集中在四个重叠和相互作用的领域, which are important to Montana's economic interests: biomaterials; materials for energy storage, conversion and conservation; electronic, photonic, and magnetic (EPM) materials; and materials synthesis, processing and fabrication.

Materials Science & Engineering, M.S.

The M.S. 材料科学与工程学位(MSE)课程具有独特的跨学科文化,为学生提供深度和广度的知识,从而在航空航天等领域取得成功, automotive, biomaterials, chemicals, electronics, energy, metals, and telecommunications.

Metallurgical/Mineral Processing Engineering, M.S.

冶金/矿物加工工程涉及金属和非金属加工和制造的各个方面. 矿物加工工程师有责任接受从地球上开采出来的矿石, comminuting the ore until liberation occurs, 然后以精矿的形式除去有价值的矿物质. 

Extractive Metallurgy

Learn more about the 19-credit extractive metallurgy minor. 你将学习过程工程、热力学、计算机应用等课程.

Materials Science

这门19学分的本科辅修课程包括材料结构 & Properties, Thermodynamics, Polymeric Materials, and more.

Mineral Processing

这门18学分的本科辅修课程要求过程工程课程, mineral processing and design, thermodynamics, and more.


Established in 1989, 先进材料加工中心(CAMP)是蒙大拿大学系统指定的卓越研究和教育中心, located on the campus of Montana Technological University. The center performs analytical testing, materials testing, and focuses on research program management.

Learn more about Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Faculty & Staff


Camp & Workshops


Advisory Board

Experience professionals guide our programs and departments.

More Resources

We are proud to be ABET-accredited. See our Program Education Objectives and student outcomes.


Students often participate in Society for Mining Engineers, Metals, Minerals, and Materials Society of AIME, and Club Met.


Learn more about Metallurgical and Materials Sciences.

Metallurgy Celebrates Centennial
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering News
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菲律宾十大彩票平台学院将在12月3日举行的第40届年度美国名人堂颁奖典礼和由矿业和矿产教育基金会(MMEF)赞助的筹款活动中获得认可, 2022 at the JW Marriott Tucson Starr Pass Resort and Spa.


美国蒙大拿州理工大学的研究人员获得了700,804美元的资助.S. 能源部科学办公室调查从采矿和冶金工业产生的废渣中回收有价金属.

Nucor Establishes Endowed Professorship at Montana Tech

长期菲律宾十大彩票平台大学冠军和合作伙伴纽柯将宣布$2,000,周五,他被授予冶金与材料工程杰出教授一职, September 30, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. in the Copper Lounge on campus.

Connect with us.

We will answer your questions and help you get started.

Dr. Jerome Downey
Professor and Department Head